The Price of Gold

The Price of Gold #1 & #2
(ring & pendant)
Sterling silver, titanium, imitation gold leaf,
cubic zirconia, transparency
Photography by Michelle Bowden
This series of works was a response to the global gold mining industry. In particular, this series focused on the blatant disregard of environmental and social welfares in the name of supply, demand, and ultimately profit.

The Colour of Money Series

The Colour of Money #1 & #2
Sterling silver, imitation gold leaf, leather,
titanium, cubic zirconia, resin
Photography by Eleisha Nylund
As series of brooches, these pieces critique the commodified value of our natural resources. They focused specifically on water and oil, and how these resources are regarded in terms of profitable commodity rather than an environment ment to be preserved and cared for.

33% Capacity Series

33% Capacity - Wyvanhoe, Sommerset, Northpine
Sterling Silver
Photography by Eleisha Nylund
This series of pendants reviewed the state of our Queensland dams. Completed when our dams were only 33%, they serve to remind people of the fragility of our environment.